Make an Appointment To Check Your

Testosterone, Springfield, IL.


Are you experiencing low energy, decreased sex drive, or weight gain? These are common indicators of low testosterone levels.

Call Today to Learn More

(217) 953-8793

Our Location

Address: 2524 Farragut Dr Suite C2, Springfield, IL 62704

Schedule Hours

Monday : Closed
Tuesday : 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Wednesday : 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday : 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday : Closed                          Saturday: Closed                        Sunday: Closed

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Do you experience any of the following symptoms?

Signs You Might Need TRT

If you have any of the following symptoms, you might have low testosterone, or Low T. A simple blood test can help determine if TRT is right for you.

Low energy or fatigue

Persistent tiredness, even after a full night’s sleep, could signal a drop in testosterone. Men with low T often feel sluggish and lack the energy to get through the day.

Decreased sex drive

Testosterone is a key hormone in regulating libido. If you notice a reduced interest in sex or difficulty achieving and maintaining an erection, low testosterone may be the cause.

Difficulty building muscle

Testosterone plays a vital role in muscle development. If you're putting in the effort at the gym but not seeing muscle gains, or if you're experiencing muscle loss, low T could be a factor.

Weight gain, especially around the belly

Men with low testosterone often experience an increase in body fat, particularly in the abdominal area. This is due to the hormone's influence on fat distribution and metabolism.

Mood changes or irritability

Low testosterone can impact your mental health, leading to irritability, mood swings, anxiety, or even depression. You may find yourself more easily frustrated or feeling down without a clear reason.

Poor concentration or memory issues

Brain fog, difficulty concentrating, and memory lapses are common complaints among men with low T. Testosterone affects cognitive function, and a deficiency may lead to challenges with focus or decision-making.

Benefits of TRT

Our patients have reported a range of benefits from TRT, including:

  • Increased Energy Levels: Feel more alert and active throughout the day.
  • Enhanced Libido: Restore a healthy sex drive and improve sexual performance.
  • Muscle Gain & Fat Loss: TRT can help build muscle mass and reduce body fat, especially in combination with exercise.
  • Improved Mood & Mental Clarity: Feel more positive, focused, and emotionally balanced.
  • Better Sleep: Experience more restful, uninterrupted sleep.

Our Healthcare

Reclaim your health and vitality with Testosterone Replacement Therapy at Gameday Men's Health.

2524 Farragut Dr c2, Springfield, IL 62704, USA

(217) 953-8793

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